Lightbox Cabinet Sign Refacing for Woodcrest Preschool

Located at 21772 Lake Forest Drive, the Woodcrest Preschool campus serves families in Tarzana, Lake Forest, Agoura and other areas in Orange County. With about 120 students, this accredited school has been working for four decades with young learners. When it came time to add new pizzazz to their outdoor signage, the preschool contacted America’s Instant Signs.

Freestanding Lightbox Cabinet

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When you think of a lightbox cabinet, you usually associate it with a building marker that is installed to the wall or to a pole. In this case, the signage product takes on the function of a monument marker by being freestanding. Free-standing cabinet sign refacing for Orange County is one of our specialties.

We consulted with the school’s management team for the desired look and upgraded the framing as well as the facing. It now features a colorful appearance that displays the phone number and name to allow prospective clients to make quick contact. The multi-colored signage also appeals to the children who go to school there.

Does Your Lightbox Cabinet Need Work?

It is a common misconception that a weathered or damaged sign needs to be replaced. This is simply not always the case. While it is true that a marker with pronounced structural damage is less expensive to replace than to repair, a sign that still has good “bones” is actually far more budget-friendly to fix. We have devised an effective approach to discovering the difference.

  • Sign evaluation. We visit your location and take a close look at the sign. We inspect for insect and weather damage, structural problems and light component issues. We measure the marker and also take into consideration the need for a new facing.
  • Cost proposal. Next, we itemize everything that is wrong with the sign and needs to be addressed. We also incorporate your desired upgrades into the cost estimate. Finally, we disclose how much it would cost to simply replace rather than upgrade the sign. With this information clearly spelled out, you make the decision that makes the most sense for your business.

Deciding on a Refacing

Since most of the time it makes more sense to reface an existing marker, the majority of our clients opts for the repair and upgrade. At this time, we discuss the artwork that you would like us to use for the facing. Occasionally, businesses take this opportunity to work on rebranding along with the refacing. This allows them to stay relevant in today’s market while addressing a new generation of consumers or tweaking an appearance that did not work as well as expected.

We can create a new look from scratch if you decide that you would like to rebrand at this time. Since a lightbox cabinet sign refacing for Orange County usually also calls for new permits, we handle the permitting process and take care of all the legal requirements. We manufacture the new facing, make any needed repairs and upgrade the marker with its new look. Call us today to find out what we can do for your school, business or organization.

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